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Renters’ Insurance in Florida

Renting a property entails a different set of requirements than owning a home, such as availing of renters insurance. In some states, like Florida, availing of this insurance isn’t mandated by law. Still, many consider it valuable for both tenants and landlords alike.
However, to ensure you get the best policy for renters insurance in Florida, you need to get it from a reliable insurance agent like Dunham Insurance.
Here at Dunham, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the right policy that covers everything they need. Because of this, we make sure that we understand exactly what you need and provide you with the most suitable Florida renters insurance possible.

What Does Rental Insurance in Florida Cover?

In general, renters insurance covers unexpected damages or losses while renting out a property. A typical policy for renters insurance in Florida usually offers three types of protection:
• Protection from liability
• Coverage for your personal belongings in case of loss, theft, or damage
• Protection for additional living expenses
These allow tenants to have some peace of mind, knowing that their possessions are covered in case they are stolen, damaged, or lost while renting out an apartment, condo unit, house, etc.
In addition, having renters insurance also offers tenants protection against lawsuits for bodily injuries or property damage. Depending on your policy’s limit, this can protect even your loved ones and pets.
For policies offering ALE coverage, they can help you cover your living expenses, such as your hotel bills and meals, in case you have to relocate temporarily.

How to Choose the Best Renters Insurance in Florida

Finding a company that can provide you with top-notch but cheap renters insurance in Florida can be tricky, especially if you don’t know where to look first. Moreover, there are several factors you need to consider.
So, how do you find the most suitable policy for your renter’s insurance in Florida?

• Select the appropriate coverage amount
When you avail of renters insurance in Florida, you need to ensure that your policy is enough to cover the cost of replacing everything if there are unexpected losses. So, try to take an inventory of your belongings to give you a clearer idea of how much coverage you need.
• Understand the different types of insurance coverages
There are generally two types of policies for renters insurance in Florida: Replacement Value and Actual Cash Value. With the former, your insurance company pays you the amount you claimed is needed to replace your item. This doesn’t consider factors like wear and tear or lifespan.
In contrast, the latter policy takes these into account, which means they pay you based on the current value of your item. However, this can also reduce the amount for your premiums and your overall renters insurance cost.
• Identify what is and what isn’t covered
Most renters insurance policies cover an extensive range of circumstances. However, there are still cases where your policy won’t cover your losses. Therefore, before committing to one, make sure you know which ones are covered and which ones aren’t.

At Dunham Insurance, we understand how selecting the right policy for your renters insurance in Florida can be challenging. This is why our team of specialists is prepared to help you find the most suitable coverage for your needs.
In addition, we also ensure that our policies are available at competitive price points so that you can get the coverage you need without breaking the bank.
To learn more about our renter’s insurance offers, get in touch with us today, and get a renters insurance quote.

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